5 Ways to Embrace Earth Day

By Courtenay Turner

Although there’s only one ‘official’ day dedicated to planet earth in the calendar – the truth is, every day provides us with a new opportunity to preserve and protect the world we all love.

Here are some simple, yet effective practices you can implement into your daily life to help make every day, Earth Day...

The challenge: Ditch single-use face wipes.

The majority of face wipes or wet wipes are neither ‘flushable’ nor ‘biodegradable’, regardless of what’s written on the packaging. In fact, Australia's water service providers are spending an estimated $15 million a year clearing up blockages caused by wet wipes. And while popping them in the bin is the better option, it’s far from ideal – most wipes contain polyester, which prevents them from breaking down. According to Dr Laura Foster from the Marine Conservation Society, there’s been a 400 per cent increase in wet wipes washing up on beaches in the UK in the past decade. 

Face wipes often fail in the skin department too, as they don’t completely remove makeup and grime. They can also wreak havoc on the skin due to the myriad of chemicals they contain. So, while they are quick and convenient, wipes are one product most of us could do without!

The solution: Our Founder & Director, Carla, uses coconut oil and a reusable muslin cloth to cleanse her face. When applying topical products like our Probiotic Skin Refiner, she also suggests opting for reusable organic cotton rounds, which you can find on Etsy.

The challenge: Commit to cold water washing and air-drying your laundry.

Drying your clothes in the great outdoors will not only greatly reduce your electricity bill, but also lessen your environmental footprint. According to The Guardian, the way you do your laundry can contribute a surprising amount to your carbon footprint. A load of laundry washed at 30°C that’s dried on the line will create approximately 0.6 kg of CO2 emissions, while a load washed at 60°C that’s dried in a dryer will create approximately 3.3 kg of CO2 emissions. Over the course of a year, that’s a huge difference!

The solution: Only wash your clothes when necessary and make sure you have a full load ready to go before turning on your machine. Opt for cold water and select the ‘eco’ setting – and, make friends with your clothesline. These simple swaps will not only benefit our planet, but also save you money and extend the life of your clothes.

The challenge: Use essential oils, vinegar and baking soda in the quest to keep your kitchen clean.

Harsh chemical cleaners not only impact our environment, but they may also affect our health and the health of our kids. If you’re not game enough to make your own cleaning products, eco-friendly cleaning products can often be purchased in bulk and then refilled over and over again at your local co-op or bulk-food store. Trying to reuse what you already have is a simple way to reduce the amount of plastic containers entering the recycling stream – or worse still, landfill.

The solution: Look into some of the amazing eco-friendly cleaning products that are now on the market, or make your own using vinegar, essential oils and baking soda. Thankfully, most of the ingredients needed to make DIY cleaning products are super affordable, too.

The challenge: Incorporate more plant-based proteins, like BODY Inner Beauty Support™, our plant-based protein and wellness powder, into your diet.

For all of us – vegetarian, vegan and meat-eaters alike – reducing our consumption of meat and dairy products is one simple way to reduce our environmental footprint. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the livestock sector is responsible for around 14.5 per cent of total greenhouse gas emissions (more than the transport industry!). What’s more, eating a diverse range of fibre-rich plant foods also benefits our microbiome, meaning a healthier, happier gut – and a healthier, happier you!

The solution: Try going meat-free at least one day a week. If you choose to buy animal products, opt for those which are Certified Organic and ethically-raised and produced, wherever possible. Seek out pasture-raised dairy, grass-fed meat and eggs.

The challenge: Reduce food waste by shopping smarter and composting fruit and vegetable scraps.

When food is thrown in the bin, it’s sent to landfill where it emits a cocktail of methane and carbon dioxide as it decomposes. In fact, if food waste were a country, it would be the world’s third highest polluter, ranking only behind the US and China! We also waste one-third of the food we produce globally, despite so many of not having enough food to eat. By improving the way we consume and dispose of food, we’ll improve the health of our planet and the people who inhabit it.

The solution: Put simply, the answer is not to create more food, but rather to stop wasting what we already produce. Use this handy guide to adopt smarter shopping habits or consider purchasing a compost bin for scraps and other household items.


If you’re keen to implement more earth-friendly practices into your everyday life, resources like the WWF Ecological Footprint Calendar and 1MillionWomen are a great place to start.

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