Omega Boost Breakfast Bowl


Simple, nutrient-dense and easy on the eyes, this superfood bowl is our latest breakfast obsession…

A medley of textures and tastes, this omega-rich breakfast bowl is rich in healthy fats that will fuel your brain and body for hours. We’ve added our favourite fresh fruits for a hit of skin-protective anthocyanins (not to mention a touch of sweetness) as well as a handful of granola for a delicious crunch. The finishing touch? A drizzle of our new vegan drinking oil, OMEGA ELIXIR™. Containing a healthy ratio of plant-based omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 oils from black cumin seed, chia seed and sea buckthorn fruit, plus evening primrose oil to reduce inflammation for a smooth, supple complexion, it is designed to quench dry, irritated skin from within.


200g organic coconut yoghurt
4 teaspoons of OMEGA ELIXIR
½ cup blackberries
½ cup fresh cherries, halved
100g rockmelon, cubed
2 teaspoons chia seeds
1cup of gluten-free granola, or DIY Honey Granola 


    Divide the yoghurt and spoon into two shallow bowls.
    Sprinkle the chia seeds and granola evenly over the top.
    Divide the fruit between the two bowls.
    Drizzle two teaspoons of OMEGA ELIXIR over each bowl.

    Looking for new ways to try OMEGA ELIXIR? Try our Omega-Enriched Avocado on Toast.
